Tag: Pop art

I ‘Am’ Pop Art

Not too sure what I was doing with this piece, I was pretty bored and thought it would be funny to slap my face onto one of Lichtenstein’s pieces (no intentions of offending his fans). So I just had a little fun with it I guess.

“Thinking about you”

The finished product
The finished product
Me side on
Me side on
The original work from Roy Lichtenstein
The original work from Roy Lichtenstein
Starting drawing
Starting drawing
Cloud drawn
Cloud drawn
Figure drawn (minus face)
Figure drawn (minus face)
Face drawn in
Face drawn in

Now this was abit of a “troll” move, I copied an image from that of Roy Lichtenstein’s and replaced one of the figures with my face. The idea behind it though is what I wish my situation was, I’m not much of a ladies man and just wish I could be on the back of women’s minds. That was the initial idea behind this piece.

Shocking News

This is my attempt at creating a ‘pop-art’ type piece of myself, if I was going to be anything I think I’d be the president so I can make the world a better place because I actually care about the well being of the human race, unlike politicians now days. So yeah my piece is about me hearing the most absurd comment in the history of mankind. I know it’s kinda stupid but I didn’t really have an idea for this piece I was focusing on the figure.