Tag: Pop art

Carla the Rock star!

Starting sketch
Starting sketch
Adding colour
Adding colour
Close up
Close up
More colour
More colour
Background added
Background added

My pieces are becoming to be more popular to my classmates, quite a few have been asking for their drawings to be done. This one is of Carla, I decided to make her a rockstar. For what reason? I don’t know.

Vampires Kiss

imageimage image

I watched Vampires Kiss the other day, one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen. So I decided to dedicate this piece to Nicholas Cage. In the film he goes crazy and believes he’s turning into a vampire, I decided to create what he must of thought how he looked in the film.

Faces of the ‘Cass’


After making my recent pieces I’ve realised that the initial sketch of the figures sometimes looks a lot better than when I colour them. So with this practice a chose to just stick with just sketches.But how boring it would be if I just stuck with just one figure, so I made multiple heads of myself making different facial expressions and different positions of my head just to have a little experiment and I’m quite happy with the result.

Ariki Boy-Genius

The bro Ariki
The bro Ariki
Starting sketch
Starting sketch
Nerd gear drawn on
Nerd gear drawn on


Colour added
Colour added
Finished product
Finished product
Finished close up
Finished close up

This is a piece I made for one of my good friends Ariki, he said he wanted to be a muscly nerd (weird combination) but I said “okay” and got onto it. You can’t really recognise him when I drew nerd glasses on him so I put up the original sketch I drew.



Initial drawing
Initial drawing
Colour added
Colour added
Background added
Background added
Finished piece
Finished piece
Rebecca posing for the camera
Rebecca posing for the camera

One of my classmates Rebecca had seen my previous pieces I made of my friends and thought they were awesome so I made one for her just to show my appreciation. She said she wanted to be a super hero in her picture, so I made her one.

80’s Sensei

image This is just another “Pop Art” type piece I made of one of my class mates Adam (A.K.A Sensei). He’s really into the 80’s Era so I just made a dedicated piece to him. I just added a Miami Vice background to my drawing, he’s supposed to look like a Mexican/Colombian drug lord.

A Tribe Called Quest

I had a little look through on the whole movement of ‘Pop Art’ and what I found was that it celebrated the popular culture of the time. In the sixties Andy Warhol created pieces of Art based on everyday items and celebrities that were significant to him(Campbell’s soup can, Marylyn Monroe screens). Roy Lichtenstein also did this by recreating comic strips that he enjoyed, the whole idea was stating that people and items of the sixties were just as important to use as subject matter as the subject matter that was used in past ‘fine Art’ pieces. So I decided to make a Pop Art piece on something that is important to me, one of my favourite Hip-Hop groups “A Tribe Called Quest”. Although they are not performers of now days Pop music, they were Big in the nineties (and I was born in the nineties so that’s good enough for me) their message was very positive in their music and were all about getting creative with their lyricism, unlike the Hip-Hop artists of today who have really pathetic rhymes and are all about ‘gettin’ money’ ‘fuckin’ bitches’ and ‘smoking weed’. A Tribe called quest consists of ‘Ali Shaheed Muhammad'(left) ‘Q-tip'(centre) and ‘Phife Dawg'(right) this is if your looking at my finished art piece.

“I spit hot fire”

This piece is just another “trolling” piece of myself, it shows what I do on a microphone, the original woman ‘sings’ into the mic., I ‘spit hot fire’ meaning I do a bit of rhyming in my spare time, and like to think I’m good at it. I just love the expression ‘I spit hot fire’ cos it sounds so stupid I get attracted to stupid terms people use nowadays.