Tag: digital

Local to Global: Isis Propaganda (idea practice)

I tried practicing with the idea of creating a poster that reflects the idea that since New Zealand will be getting involved with the war on Isis, we should be expecting Isis related acts of terrorism to be committed within New Zealand.

This idea was to strike fear into the viewer, so the public will understand the seriousness of this issue. I chose to go for a ‘propaganda’ type vibe for this poster as propaganda was mainly used during war.

I used an old New Zealand tourism poster which is showing the peace and tranquility of Marlborough Sounds and then tried to create an image that expresses the complete opposite type of vibe, like a poster that changes the view of New Zealand from ‘tourism to terrorism’ if you will.

I wish I could have edited this image better by using photoshop cos it looks kinda bad but it’s the idea that counts and this is just a practice.

Local to Global: John Key

This year at course we’ve been instructed to create an art or design work based on a New Zealand issue, There has been a lot of issues with our prime minister John Key. From what I’ve heard He has just recently approved New Zealand soldiers to join in on the war against Isis without consulting the other members of parliament or even the public for that matter, he has not learnt how Americas increase of military activity in the Middle East has increased the number of radicals fighting american soldiers and hatred towards America. Since New Zealand will be on the same side as America in this fight, New Zealand will now be a target for terrorism just like how Australia has started to have terrorist acts performed by members of Isis within Australia. I also found out that ever since Key has been in power, 20,000 more New Zealand children are now living in poverty, This is because John Key has lowered the minimum wage and is mainly providing opportunitys for the rich in New Zealand. Well this is the main information that I’ve gathered, and I’m not too strong with how I feel with these issues as these statements are just me repeating what others feel about Mr Key. I need to research more into these issues, but I still made some pieces using the Adobe ideas app. I created John Key as the ‘reaper’ for I am against him getting New Zealand involved in a war that really does not really need us there, I feel that if he wanted to bring peace into Iraq and other parts of the Middle East he should have sent food, medical aid and other things like that if he sends our troops to join in a war, then we should expect New Zealand to be no longer neutral and no longer safe. and I also made a piece of John Key as the devil, just how our country is turning to Shit abit since he’s been in power the rich have been getting richer and the poor getting poorer, he’s also been selling our land to china so less money is going to the people of New Zealand and mainly to those who have shares and shit like that. These pieces are just a few ideas that came to mind hearing information like this. These are mainly just drawing practices brain storm drawings if you will.

Breaking Bad

Since I made drawings for Game of Thrones Characters, I decided to create another piece for Characters of the Breaking Bad series. But this time I wanted to create a line up like my “Hip Hop Legends” piece, and I wanted to make the figures have more detail to them. The people I think I didn’t do so great was Skyler and Saul, there’s just something missing with those two, but that’s okay cos’ I’ve gotten better at drawing faces with the others (I think). I got this idea from one of my previous drawings of Walter, so this is just adding on to that drawing.

Game of thrones, Bruce Lee and Dave chappelle

I’ve tried the black and white drawing approach again, I’ve drawn some of the game of thrones characters and Dave Chappelle using the Adobe ideas app. I also had another go at Bruce Lee im not sure if I’ve got it right yet but I’m still working on it.

Adobe Ideas/Draw Again……

I’ve been having another go drawing celebrities on the iPad, just going back on the black and white sketch approach. I’ve been learning how to draw faces at different angles some of these drawings have been successful and some haven’t. I have drawn Walter White from the breaking bad series, which I think turned out quite well. Bob Ross the artist, which came out okay but I think still needs improving. Sir Smoke A lot, which was drawn well I feel and Bruce Lee which is someone I still have to master. You can tell its him but there’s always just “something” missing. But anyway it’s been a good experience and has helped me develop my drawing skills on the IPad so that’s a plus!!

This was my initial drawing of Bob Ross, it kinda looks like him but his features are quite soft and I've found my strokes have been quite thick in this piece so I had to change it
This was my initial drawing of Bob Ross, it kinda looks like him but his features are quite soft and I’ve found my strokes have been quite thick in this piece so I had to change it
Walter White/ Heisenberg initial drawing beard with no detail
Walter White/ Heisenberg initial drawing beard with no detail
Walter White/ Heisenberg detail added to beard
Walter White/ Heisenberg detail added to beard
Initial bruce lee drawing, sorta looks like him but still couldn't get it right
Initial bruce lee drawing, sorta looks like him but still couldn’t get it right
Jaw added
Jaw added
Neck added
Neck added
Jaw change
Jaw change
Walter White/ Heisenberg Black beard
Walter White/ Heisenberg Black beard
Bob Ross facial feature changes
Bob Ross facial feature changes
Bob Ross another facial feature change
Bob Ross another facial feature change
Final Bob Ross (in my opinion not quite there but close enough using this drawing)
Final Bob Ross (in my opinion not quite there but close enough using this drawing)
Walter White/ Heisenberg less detail and darkened
Walter White/ Heisenberg less detail and darkened
Bob Ross coloured brown (the use of black may makes him look different than with his original hair colour)
Bob Ross coloured brown (the use of black may makes him look different than with his original hair colour)
Sir Smoke ALot
Sir Smoke ALot

Adobe Draw

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I got a notification for this new Drawing App called ‘Adobe Draw’ on my IPad, so this is just me giving it a little go. I found that it wasn’t much different to the Adobe ideas App, it was actually harder to operate when I had made a mistake instead of a ‘go back’ button to click you had to swipe using your two index fingers to the left on the screen but sometimes one finger would be on the screen before the other and so I would be constantly be making unwanted strokes on the picture. I tried doing something different to my other digital drawings by playing with the opacity of the brush stroke and I am quite happy with the results, not so much with the shirt but with the skin of this figure, which is Kid Cudi by the way. I chose to make an illustration of him as I can relate to the things he says in his songs.
image image image image image image image

‘The Bitch Mobb’

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This piece is a dedication to my squad at course the ‘Bitch mobb’. It is our gang that is AGAINST gangs and violence, (the guns in the picture are irrelevant) most people that get peer pressured into doing violent and unethical acts are referred to as ‘bitches’ if they don’t participate in these activities. So our gang admits to being bitches. if being a bitch means doing the right thing and caring for our fellow man, then we are a proud bunch of bitches. Most gangs have certain coloured clothing to represent their gang, our gangs colour is pink. The whole approach to this piece was trying to copy the grand theft auto San Andreas art works, I got the back grounds from the Grand theft auto V website.

The Hip Hop Legends


I Was listening to some of my old school rap music when I was cleaning last night, and I was spitting hot fire son! And I realised just how great of a rapper I was so I decided to make a dedication piece to the some of the greatest rappers of all time. The most relevant rapper Of the whole list is the one in the centre, which is me. I decided to go back on the idea of using just black and white sketches of heads, which I have made previously.

Cass the ‘Bad-Ass’

Original photo
Original photo
End piece scratchy effect added
End piece

I’ve been kinda sick of just trying to create Pop-Art type pieces so I’ve tried doing something different. I’ve been playing with the Adobe ideas App’s opacity tool, the idea behind this piece is just what would I look like if I was a demonic spirit. So yeah first thing that came to mind was something to do with my eyes, I wanted them to be flaming so I could stare into your soul and unleash chaotic forces into your mind. But yeah I don’t know just a little practice using a photo with my drawings.

Grand master Melle-Mel

Melanie (Mel)
Melanie (Mel)
First drawing attempt
First drawing attempt
Second drawing attempt
Second drawing attempt
Colour being added
Colour being added
More colour added
More colour added
Background added
Background added
Close up
Close up
Title added
Title added

This is another piece I’ve made for one of my classmates Melanie (Mel), I chose to make her a ninja type warrior just because she enjoys watching anime.