Local to Global: New Zealand is ‘The Bomb’ (idea practice)


one work from New Zealand street artist 'Flox' Image found from: http://www.houseofaroha.co.nz/tag/flox/
one work from New Zealand street artist ‘Flox’ Image found from: http://www.houseofaroha.co.nz/tag/flox/

I got this idea from looking at A street Artist by the name of ‘Flox’, Her piece had a white paper ‘Tiki’ stencil placed over top her spray painted nature stencils. The combination of these images is the expression of how The nature of New Zealand and culture work with each other.

I had a go with this type of method and creating an image with my theme by taking New Zealand Landscapes and overlapped the images with my Bomb drawings. I did his on adobe Ideas but I wish I could of made these images on Illustrator so I could have more accurate line work but hey it’s just another practice, an Idea Practice……

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