Local to Global: Isis Propaganda (idea practice)

I was influenced from the idea of how propaganda has been re-edited to make different statements of what they represent, by changing text to display a different message and also muddling up figures to express it.

I got really inspired by the idea of taking old New Zealand tourism and product advertising posters, and playing with their text and subject matter to enforce the idea that terrorism will be coming to New Zealand. As our prime minister volunteered New Zealand to be part of the war against Isis.

In the initial poster for this piece it’s advertising lemonade in New Zealand, I tried playing with this image by replacing the sillhouette of the woman with a man with an AK-47 and balaclava. This is just representing the Idea of Isis coming to New Zealand is slowly becoming a reality, so their ‘lurking in the shadows’ and will be among us. I also tried changing the brand of the original poster to Isis and replacing the little star at the end of the brand name with the symbol for Isis.

My final image wasn’t that satisfying for me but its getting the idea across that is important.

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